Are you looking for a siding contractor in NJ? North American Pfister is a fully licensed and insured siding contractor in NJ providing professional siding installation services for more than 40 years. Our certified siding contractors have the skills and knowledge to work on homes with various shapes, designs and structures, makes us a great choice when you look for a siding installation company that you can trust.
While you may not have gone around your house to check out
the siding in... what? three years or so...? You should put it on your calendar
for the first sunny day we have. It can sneak up on you and may be costing you
some money.
Siding does get old, crack, absorb moisture and will at some
point begin to leak. So maybe you do need to take out that one board, that got
hit a few too many times by the lawnmower. And yes there is that spot where the
paint started to peel so unpainted wood had been exposed to this winter's
freezing temperatures. But it can't be all that bad, right?
So how do you know whether you need just a few minor repairs
or need to have a general contractor to give you a quote on new siding? What
should you look for to know that something which looks minor could be something
Well, we have some things you should take a look at to
determine that.
Siding shouldn't need frequent painting. Generally, home siding should be in
shape with no peeling or cracking of the paint for 8-10 years and maybe a
little longer. If your house siding shows cracks and areas where the paint is
peeling or you paint every five or six years, you may have moisture under the
siding. This moisture is also affecting the inside of your house.
High Heating or
Cooling Bills
Compare your utility bills over the past few years. Make any adjustments
for any rate increases so you can be sure you are seeing apples to apples. Or
just compare the consumption of the fuel whether it's oil, gas, electricity.
Mentally make an adjustment for a really bad winter or hot summer. Check with
your neighbors who have similar sized housing. If your costs are considerably
higher, you may need to consider your home's wall insulation and siding. Also,
determine if you have roof leaks or attic insulation.
Do a visual check of the siding and where the siding meets
your roof. Check for any place that could be letting air escape from your
Warped Siding
On your visual inspection, take a screwdriver and poke the end under any siding
that has a warped or misshape to it. Rotten boards will give you little
resistance. If the wood feels solid, no moisture is affecting it. If you have
warping or rotten softwood, you need to have your siding replaced.
Loose or Cracked
During some of our wind storms, it is easy for some of our sidings to
become loose. If it has been pulled away from your building, it's an invitation
for moisture. Winds also blow small and large tree branches which will often
slam against your house. Check your siding for any cracks or scar damage that
has gone through the paint.
You may be able to remove a few broken or cracked pieces and
replacement. When you do, check the layers underneath the siding for any
further damage to this underlayer. Don't just cover it with a new siding board.
It will need to be repaired at the same time. Water behind the siding will
still produce wood rot even if covered with new siding.
Replacing one or two boards would be normal repair and
maintenance. If you have large areas that have cracking problems or peeling
paint, you should contact a general contractor to come to take a look.
Inside the Home
If you have any outside wall where the paint is peeling or the wallpaper is
pulling away from the wall, you very likely have a siding problem that is
allowing moisture to come into your home. As moisture moves further through the
walls, you will see this type of damage on your interior.
Fungus, Mold, Mildew
Excessive moisture will eventually start to show as fungus, mold or mildew on
the siding. You will generally see this first on the joints where the siding
pieces are up against each other. It's possible this joint has lost its caulk
sealant and is letting moisture go behind your siding. Determine how much
fungus growth you have and whether you need to call in a professional or not.
Fungus and mildew, but especially mold can be a health hazard. If there's a
lot, call a professional to check it out.
If it's just a shading of mildew, wash it off and get out
the caulk gun to seal these joints. You should add this to your maintenance
list every other year.
Faded Siding Boards
Everything has a life expectancy and siding and paint do too. If the color has
faded considerably, the waterproofing provided by the paint has also faded. The
siding does not have the protective coating that the paint provided. Get out
the screwdriver again and poke that siding in places to see if you still have
solid boards. If so, you just need to paint. If any of them are soft, you may
have lost this protection and need new siding.
Get a General
Replacing siding looks pretty simple. You just put up sheath walls of
plywood and cover them with house-wrap or felt paper and hammer in the siding.
But the truth is, there is a lot more to it than that. Your
house needs to be water and windproof and being able to achieve that does take
a bit of experience. The fitting and cutting of the siding are crucial.
Some siding can have nails hammered in at an angle, others
the nail must be hammered straight in. And finally, all the siding joints of
the wood need to be caulked. If you are inexperienced at this, you are much
better off hiring a professional general contractor.